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Old 08-06-2003, 05:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
feeling tingly
Your next CA Gov.

Arnold officially threw his Austrian hat in the ring for the suddenly popular California Gov. job listing.

This is just the latest interesting name to enter the fray.

You're in the booth and you have just one vote---who do you choose???

Gary Coleman
The onetime Diff'rent Strokes star stood on a platform on Wednesday of balancing the state's budget, legalizing gay marriage, decriminalizing marijuana, "restor[ing] sanity to California politics" and "drill[ing] for oil in every national park."

Larry Flynt
The 60-year-old magazine mogul declared his candidacy Monday, portraying himself as the "smut-peddler who cares." He told reporters he favored legalizing slot machines and prostitution, and granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. On the first full day of his campaign, Flynt's Hustler magazine called on Americans on Tuesday to ask the "entity of [their] choice" to strike down Fox News Channel star Bill

Mary Carey
The 22-year-old adult film star of Hot Showers 6, among other titles, stumped for signatures outside Los Angeles City Hall Tuesday, City News Service said. Per the wire service, Carey favors a tax on breast-implant procedures and a "porno-for-pistols" program, whereby gun owners would be encouraged to trade in their weapons for porno movies. Angelyne referred to Carey's prospective campaign as "utter nonsense."
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