At which point it becomes relevant what type of class this is. Mathmos solution is the mathematically correct one, but I wonder if it would be acceptable in other courses...I can think of a physics professor I had to who mathmos answer would be unacceptable, as a)things don't cook that way (you can't cook something for 30 minutes, wait an hour, cook for another 30 and say you cooked it for one hour straight) b)Mathmos toaster allows the removal of only one piece of bread at a time, while a conventional toaster will pop both trays up in unison, and shut off both heating elements for the period that the trays are 'up'. At that point, things such as the moisture content of the bread, ambient temp and temp of the toaster heating elements become relevant And without the magic toaster, Mathmos solution no longer works, because both pieces of bread are out of the toaster for 10 seconds when one is removed midway through cooking.
Just some thoughts, you can make the problem as complicated as you like, although I don't really think it needs to be. The world needs a devils advocate though.
Edited to fix some of the worse grammar mistakes
Edit #2 to fix the spelling, how sad lol
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "
Last edited by Pellaz; 08-06-2003 at 03:52 PM..