I dont have any kids yet but it is probably only 1-2 years away. I hang out with my 5 nieces and nephews alot. They range between 2 and 7. (2 different sisters). The things they say are incredible. My 4 year old neice can count to twenty in Spanish. I cant hardly do that. My 2 year old nephew is starting to learn spanish as well. He counts to 3 really fast. Uno..Dos..Tres... It is amazing how smart they are.
My favorite conversation as of late....
Neice: look a spider! I like spiders...
Me: The only good spider is a flat spider.
Her: No TJ! A flat spider is a DEAD spider!
Me: I know that. I dont like spiders.
Her: Why? They eat bugs.
I was like, damn kid, you are only 4. Leave me alone