i can see how my reply looked retarded. i usually post from work and sometimes dont have time to go back and edit to make sure they make perfect sense for guys like you and sportsrule101. my apologies. so let me clarify. i was responding to your question about the last time the SEC won a national championship. i told you 1998. wrong? no. foolish? no. hearsay? hardly.
i also told you that the SEC has had a team in the BCS every year since inception...as opposed to conference USA having a team in every year, or the MAC having a team in every year. wrong? no. foolish? no. hearsay? probably not.
i left out an acc team in my statement that the championships have been dominated by certain conferences. my bad man. seriously, i didnt mean to offend the bredth of your sports knowledge. everyone is now aware that you are quite possibly, the smartest sports fan EVER!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this thread was just about some good old trash talking. not a fact finding mission. so take your orioles fan with you and troll somewhere else with your extensive, and meaningless, plethora of facts. thanks again!