Hal, with another quip, brings up a great point: Humans are attracted to beauty. What is human beauty? Symmetry and scale. All babies recognize when they are shown a deformed face because the symmetry and proportion of the features is off. Why? Good genetics. Skinny? bad thing for most people who do not watch TV and read PeopleŽ. Fat people (not plump or "healthy" as i call it)? Bad. Shortens life and it is noted in our subconscious as such, i believe. The focus on personality is is probably from the understanding that if their is more of an attraction, the genetics will be more surly passed on (they will not cheat). Probably so many more. That is why sports people are so attractive to so many people. they are HEALTHY.
One question? why would any man want a weak woman? is it the "i can protect" thing or is it also the ability to rule over her? I have to say, i like that my fiancee is cut and could nearly take me down if she wanted to (i have more body mass and had an older brother, i don't go down easily. er... THAT way i don't.

.5 cent.