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Old 08-06-2003, 08:59 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Leiberman is among my last choices, personally. Way to far to the right for me. But I would guess by your statement that you rarely find yourself falling in step with a democrat that you are generally a republican voter so I think its very cool that there is someone in democratic party that represents your interests.
The whole war time presidency thing is a whole bunch of crap if you ask me though. It just opens too big a can of worms. It actually gives politicians the incentive to endanger the lives of American soldiers for personal gain! As if there wasn't already enough self-centered reasons politicians start wars, I don't think its time to start rewarding our officials for starting these endless crusade-like wars by making them a "get re-elected free card" as well. Not to mention I think Bush botched this war horribly. He has handled the war and himself more dishonorably than any politician within living memory and I think the best thing for America and the war is to get someone else in here to fix the problems he's created
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