No, i have to say that the *-american thing is also very presumptuous. There are 2 whole continents of america, you know! How about being from the US.
African americans = darker skinned people from the US.
"white" americans = lighter skinned people from the US
BTW, i doubt that many people who are white are from the Caucasus regions of europe. I HATE that term too. WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT MELANIN!!! if you do, you are an idiot with a lacking background in biology and genetics.
And, i have to say, that i actually agreed with Rush Limbaugh (the fat windbag conservative who has no care for anyone but himself) the other day about the texas rep who wanted "african-american names for hurricanes". He pretty much said that it was these people who were pushing back the progress of complete integration of our society and bringing up racism. When it is there, deal with it. If it is not, DO NOT BRING IT UP!!!
One of the things that makes violent communities is a lack of belonging in that society. So, self segregation, which is RAMPANT in my area (Arkansas) leads to worse situations and a general lack of the richer other people understanding what is going on as they never have a chance to interact with anyone else. Out of sight, out of mind.