Pet Peeves
I'm sure this topic has come up routinely throughout TFP's existance, but I just have to express my own.
I hate those decals, usually on some hick's truck, that has Calvin pissing on a Ford logo. Or a chevy logo. Or chrystler. I'm almost positive Calvin has pissed on every established logo in existance. It really pisses me off, Calvin and Hobbes is a comic classic, and the throngs of white trash that plaster their rusted out toyotas with these decals obivously have no experience with the actual comic. I doubt they even recognize the character as Calvin. I'm no expert on trailer park folk art, so maybe I'm missing something, but I can't see what the appeal is. Who started this "fad"? Is there some factory churning out imagines of Calvin pissing on everything under the sun? Can't Bill Watterson ban this practice?
I'm not the biggest fan of C&H, and I don't feel like somebody has desecrated something close to me, but even I have a little tact.