I lost my virginity when I was 16 and to be honest it really didnt change me much. I was a self loathing goth freak. As I got older I got more confident, and ended up with a few partners (about 10 before I got married) The point Im trying to make is sex does not effect who you are. You grow as a person, and I assure you no chick digs a guy who buys whores. If anything it seems like this would make you feel worse. your gonna end thinking "Im so lame I had to buy sex" blah blah blah and so forth. heh im not gay persay but your a nice looking guy, and your bound to get laid. My advice is the same as above. When you get with a girl MAKE THE MOVE. Your 19 so more than once im sure you have been on a couch with a chick if it was at a party or whatever. Put your arm around her, whisper something lightly sexual into her ear, rub her leg. Worse that could happen is she turns you down. If thats the case then try again. Some drinks always help to loosen one up but dont use that as your crutch. Have confidence but dont be a cocky ass and Im sure you will score.
Work for pay and pay for freedom