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Old 08-05-2003, 06:52 PM   #59 (permalink)
Originally posted by Johnny Rotten
Allow me to respond, if I may.

First, there is no onus to prove anything. None of us are attempting to convince you of anything. Your beliefs are your own, and I'll thank you to let my beliefs to be my own.
Who said I wouldn't let you hold your own beliefs?

The fact that you are not trying to convince me is noted. I didn't think you were, but it's a fair point to raise.


Second, you have to be willing to believe. You are not a skeptic, Mephisto. You are a cynic.
No. I am simply a non-believer. I may use logical arguments based upon the current Socratic method of scientific "proof", or I may occasionally make cynical remarks.

However, you should be careful in labeling me.


So what are you doing in this forum, save for irritating other people?

Now, that's a bit childish, isn't it?

I'm here debating the issues and contributing to the TFP community.

To be perfectly honest, if I'm "irritating" you, then leave or don't read my posts.


Don't claim to be stating an opinion when you are, in fact, not using any of the qualifying phrases as provided above.
Now, that's just a silly remark. Should everyone, everywhere predicate every phrase with "In my opinion..."?

Because, using your own argument, it's just your opinion that supernatural events are real; or for that matter, that my arguments are not 100% correct.

Be consistent if you want to be pedantic.


Fourth, Fermi's Paradox is not a proof or even suggestion of humanity as the sole container of life in this universe. It is a paradox. "Given x facts, why y result?" A paradox cannot really be used to support a belief, only to confound one.
You misunderstand the tenet.

In plain English terms, the paradox states "IF Intelligent life outside the solar system exists, it would be here by now. It has not arrived. Ergo, it does not exist."


Lastly (fifth, if you're still counting) go ahead and spend a night in a haunted hotel room. Spend a few nights. You have nothing to be afraid of, and I have nothing to prove, so it's a win-win situation.
"fifth, if [I'm] still counting"?

Isn't that just a little bit petty?


With regards to finding a "haunted hotel" room, I believe no such thing exisits. So, finding one would be difficult to start with. But even if I could find an alledged one, why would I do this? I'm not seeking reaffirmation here.

I was enjoying the debate, until you entered the fray with your personal insults and childish comments.

It's interesting to note the difference in tone and quality between the arguments of the other board-members and you, who seem rather defensive.

Mr Mephisto

Last edited by Mephisto2; 08-05-2003 at 06:55 PM..
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