Great story.. I have wonderd where it came from aswell.
My story for finding TFP is unkown to me (I have a verry selective memory for some reason). I found the place just before v.3 crashed and registerd. To be honest it was the Titty Board that interested me the most but i checked Humor as well. I still mostly hang out in the TB and Humor board but i quiet often check in on General Discussion and Members playground to see if there is any topic I find interesting.
Someday I might even post a pic of myself here aswell.. nopt that i think anyone would be interested but still I think my buttugly face would bring out a few laughs at least.
Life is shit,
Death is even worse,
So what's the point of killing yourself?
/Ignatius Camryn Paladine
Last edited by Regziever; 08-05-2003 at 12:55 PM..