Originally posted by Bill O'Rights
What really frosts my balls is that with all that ills this country, as of the time that I read this, this is where our Congress decides to spend valuable time and resources. I suppose that perhaps I should be tickled pink that things are aparently so rosey that this was the best use of their time.
on the bright side, it seems to only one congressperson behind this, i don't think the article said she had any real support. just the fact that she thinks it's important though could end up wasting time for the rest of them.
maybe what they should do is just get more hurricane's. that way more need to be named, and more diverse names can be used. that way names from every culture can be represented. if there are only 5 hurricanes one year, then that might not get any non-lilly white names used.
i propose that any storm that has winds within 20 mph of the amount that designates it a hurricane gets designated a hurricane. i know, it doesn't really deserver it. but then she can name that one a black name, or any other name she wants as long as it isn't from an underrepresented ethnicity (sorry, that means no asian or indian (dots not feathers) names). i think we should find other ways in which to introduce affirmative action type programs into all aspects of life. it could be a hoot.