Originally posted by Lebell
Neo using mini-uzi's in the lobby but then cut to the floor where there is .223 brass falling.
I was endlessly irritated by that fact. It was so obvious that it was 5.56mm casings (i'm metric.... as you can see..... GET WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD!!!..... sorry... end of rant. if you've ever needed to convert from lb.ft... you'll get my pain.. ) when he was shooting ?9mm?? weapons, or handguns and submachineguns...
How about the people that hide behind empty barrels. If you've used empty barrels for target practice........ I know i wouldn't hide behind one.....
i've seen the dust cover one a few times.
MUZZLE FLASH!!! real guns don't have that huge muzzle flash. thats what flash suppressors are for. Perhaps at night. but even then, its not that huge 5-pronged thing you tend to see...