^^^ thanks, i was just throwing out terms that i thought might be most anologous (i could not think of that word last night). anyways, african-american is a bad term because not all black people are from africa (unless you go back very very far).
Eleq, it's great that you are proud of your mexican heritage, but unless you were born in Mexico, you really aren't mexican. Mexican describes nationality, so unless you have dual citizenship, you aren't. If that's what you prefer to be called, then that's what i and most other people would call you. But isn't hispanic just as descriptive about being a part of the hispanic culture (although i guess it does include coutries of origin other than mexico). but anyways, having a "blank"-american status doesn't make you whatever "blank" is. it sets you apart as another group, and as a "diet american, not quite american enough," as though to be fully american means being white. and not having mexican infront of american doesn't mean that you can't celebrate, honor and be proud of your family's heritage.