Originally posted by YourNeverThere
mepitans, you could expand, that'd be cool, mabye in english, I admit i have no idea what you are talking about
Ok, humans have 3 ways to percieve things.
Either the eye of flesh, eye of mind, or eye of contemplation.
Eye of flesh: When we use the 5 senses. Before Galileo and Kepler science was largely rational(eye of mind), or explained by the church(eye of contemplation). When other scientists were saying "These two balls are the same size, but one is 10 times heavier. That ball must fall to earth 10 times faster" Galileo went out and used his 5 senses to try it. Him and Kepler invented simultaniously and independently, the scientific method.
"Prior to the time of Kepler and Galileo, the only developed systems of thought had been religious(eye of contemplation) or philosophic(eye of mind) organizations of subjective experience, while such objective observations of nature as had been collected had remained largely unorganized. Medieval rationalism was subjective; there was at yet no rational philosophy of nature(no empiric-analytic thought[5 senses])of comparable complexity or precision" - L.L.Whyte
So Whyte is saying, even though early on the eye of flesh was used('such objective observations of nature as had been collected remained largely unorganized') it was quickly thrown aside to make way for the eye of mind, and contemplation.
I guess when humans only had use of the eye of flesh(pre-symbolic) They could use it to say, that is not that, that is rock, that is tree. But it didn't go much further than that because when we got use of the eye of reason, the eye of flesh was quickly seen as lower, and the mind much more reliable.
"We should never allow ourselves to be persuaded excepting by the evidence of our reason" "These two methods[the initial rational truth and deduction] are the most certain routes to knowledge, and the mind should admit no others. All the rest should be rejected as suspect of error and dangerous" - Descartes
I will make 2 more posts trying to explain the other eyes in a bit. Need a break.