Originally posted by *Nikki*
It just occured to me how hypocritical some people here are.
This thread http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthr...threadid=15868 and others like it state that beauty is only skin deep.
Why then is it that anytime a attractive woman posts her picture on this board that the men go crazy over it. In the thread that asks "who do you have a jr.high/elementary school crush on" the women that are named most frequently are the ones who have posted pics of themselves AND are indeed very attractive.
Why didn't the men name other women on the board who they have never seen but have proved themselves to be attractive on the INSIDE??
Nikki, im not sure that the responses on the crush thread really indicate that people are that shallow. I think crushes are a shallow kind of thing by their nature. I always thought of crushes as more of a "damn shes cute" often without really knowing the other person than a "wow we really have alot in common i should get to know this person better".
But as they say opinions are like assholes.