I took an african american studies class in college. They actually just prefered to be called Blacks. This Aborigine lady came to make a speech during one class and stated that the Aborigine people consider themselves Black too. Not because of their origins in Africa, but because the Aborigines and the "African Americans" have similar histories.
Most blacks have never even been to Africa. Those who do are shocked and apalled at the conditions. They rather just live in america. Most Africans look down at blacks in america too. They look at black americans like they are strangers to their land.
I'm asian, and I really don't mind when people describe me as that "Asian guy" or whatever. But, I also don't think I can share similarities between blacks and asians. Most racial references and stereotypes to blacks are done in a negative fashion, while for asians, it seems to be a majority of positive stereotypes and some exoticness.
Asians get labeled for being smart, hard workers, and simple people who are courteous and grateful for being in america.
Of course, there's the chinese food dry cleaners joke, and the occasional broken english immigrant reference in some new movie coming out. But, i can't complain. Cuz it's true.