Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
That's a fair comment GakFace.
How about "I believe people who believe in ghosts and fairies and leprechauns are stupid"?
You are also using cyclical argument.
If you believe in ghosts, please prove their existence to me.
You cannot.
Basing one's belief (and this is a core tenet in Christianity also) upon faith raises alarm-bells; at least for me.
The onus is on you, or those who believe in "supernatural" phenomena to prove their existence. Not on me to prove they don't exist.
And, just to clarify, I was not calling names. Just telling it like I see it. I hope I didn't insult you.
Also, I did not say there "was NOTHING in this vast Galaxy" [sic] but us. I said extra-terrestrial life is unlikey to exist.
Are you familiar with Drake's Formula? Before you go plugging numbers into
N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L (see http://www.angelfire.com/on2/daviddarling/DrakeEq.htm for more info), you should consider Fermi's Paradox
Try the following sites:
And most especially:
Have fun and remember... Watch the skies!!!
Mr Mephisto
Allow me to respond, if I may.
First, there is no onus to prove anything. None of us are attempting to convince you of anything. Your beliefs are your own, and I'll thank you to let my beliefs to be my own.
Second, you have to be willing to believe. You are not a skeptic, Mephisto. You are a cynic. So what are you doing in this forum, save for irritating other people?
Third, when you "tell it like I see it," I would humbly offer a few handy phrases, such as:
In my opinion...
I think that...
It seems to me that...
You see where this is going? Do you see the difference between, "You, sir, are a tool," and "In my opinion, you are a tool"? Don't claim to be stating an opinion when you are, in fact, not using any of the qualifying phrases as provided above.
Fourth, Fermi's Paradox is not a proof or even suggestion of humanity as the sole container of life in this universe. It is a paradox. "Given
x facts, why
y result?" A paradox cannot really be used to support a belief, only to confound one.
Lastly (fifth, if you're still counting) go ahead and spend a night in a haunted hotel room. Spend a few nights. You have nothing to be afraid of, and I have nothing to prove, so it's a win-win situation.