I don't give a rats ass what you whiteys think
I'm Mexican-American. Why? Because I celebrate and adore the rich culture that I am apart of. Further, I also like to celebrate the cultures that I get to enjoy right here in the United States. Simple as that.
Why should I de-label myself? Because you have a problem with labels? You think it automatically means some of us are trying to drive a wedge into the "American" culture? Should we just be the boring melting pot, or can we manage to be the tasty stew?
The problem I see is that many whites and blacks have long lost their European and African traditions. It's been, well, bred out of many of you. However, I have a a couple of buddies, one full German, one full Irish, and I'll tell you... we get along great. A large part of our friendship got started by discussing history, eating each other's food, and especially drinking each other's beer.
I love multiculturalism, and I can't imagine having to live in the corporate-media-dominated culture of America without it.
Learn to love it, not ignore it.