Originally posted by popo
Go to a dentist ASAP. What you have (and had on the other side) is an infection generated by bacteria going into the pocket formed by your gums around the tooth coming in. It's called Pericoronitis and it can be very serious if it spreads.... much more serious than you can imagine. You need antibiotics and you'll get some painkillers too.
Then infections WILL come back if you don't get those teeth yanked and the infection WILL be worse then. So, as soon as the infection goes down from the antibiotics, get them out.
Really, you need to do this.
thanks popo. I just googled "Pericoronitis" and from what i read, it sounds exactly like what I have. I made an appointment, the earliest they could see me was Sept 12. I hope it doesn't get any worse by then damnit.
Thanks again popo!!