I'd say that the larger issue with everyone screaming that the sky is falling with the P2P lawsuits is that they refuse to take responsibility as it is - "I had to cheat to meet expectations", "Well, everyone does it, why don't they get in trouble, not me?", "The system made me do it!"
Fact of the matter is that everyone (who's sane) knows that at some level there is no such thing as a free lunch, so P2P file swapping had to hurt someone. Now that they're suddenly getting sued, they can't accept that and so are searching for any excuse in the book.
I'm sure that there's a large portion of users who'd continue using P2P apps, even if prices for CDs were dropped to 10$ a pop, but it's something that the RIAA should try, just to see how much their revenue improves.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!