Featured Member of the day
Hi, I dont know if this is already suggested or exoplored.
And im an idiot if it has just been mentioned lol.
But what about a featured member of the day or week.
Where we open a thread or something that features a certain member
It has maybe a pic, the person can post a few things about themselves.
Maybe the mods can feature a couple of there faveorate posts in the thread from the featured member.
and now for the Kicker.
Through out the course of the day people can leave questions for the person.
the person then can answer the questions and all.
I t could be personal questions.
Or specific virew points and such, like there perspective and things.
You can even ask them questions about news topics like what do you think about the kid in kansas who is all over the news for saving a dog from a gang of cats and such.
And only the featured member can answer those questions in that thread for the day.
Okay Okay so this is a lame Idea, but I thought that since this is a real community and it is. that this can be a way to get to know each other better.
Some people in a way live mundane lives day after day, this may be a way for some of us to be the center of attention for a day, in a circle of cool people.
What is everyone doing in my room?