fat burners
ok, i do weight lifting regularly, as well as cardio, etc, etc. i pretty much know what i'm doing and know what i need to eat and what not to eat.
I'm trying to get really cut and lean. and i do whatever is needed for that.
I just need some input on fat burners such as Xanadrene or GNC's Ripped Fuel.
A while back there was some controversy about Xanadrene. But now i see more ppl using it. I guess same could be applied to Ripped Fuel.
In most cases, I look down on use of steroids and other un-natural things. i've stopped using creatine as well.
All that is a form of cheating, in my opion, and not healthy as a whole. so i'm wondering if fat burners could be placed in same category.
So, basically, what do you guys think about fat burners such as the 2 listed above? Are they worth taking? Anything bad about them? Any personal experiences?
I'm not fat at all, but i'm just trying to trim some fat off my stomach and sides.
thanks for the feedback