Let me tell you that I am a hs teacher and this generation of kids are spoiled little brats that spent too much time in "time-out" or losing their Gameboys for a week instead of being spanked. Most kids that I have contact with do not respect their parents and treat their parents like a sister or brother. It's disgusting. Bunch of whiney brats. Smacks on the butt teach a lesson. There are guidelines and rules, follow them as long as you are under my roof, whether you agree with them or not. When my kids have their own house, they can establish their own rules. Respect is key. However, if you feel you are being abused, talk with your friends and see what they say. Parents are human too and have issues of their own, make sure you are being punished for your problems, not theirs. I have switched to so many tenses. I can't remember who I am writing to. Sorry about the preaching.