How is taking over the family business "taking the easy way out"?!?!
Actually, WTF does that mean exactly?
Is there some rule somewhere that you cannot be considered complete, or a "real man" if you don't struggle all your life and bust your ass to work for someone else?!
This really annoys me.
Of course it's not the easy way out. Anyone who says that to you doesn't know what they're talking about or is jealous.
You want to work on a business your father slaved at to make a real success? I say go for it!
$300,000 a year?
Tell that to your "take the easy way out" friends. They're the losers if they think working as an office drone, paying more tax and crawling their way up the corporate ladder is the better or more valued "way".
Sheesh dude... Being your own boss is hard.
But being your own boss is... being your own boss!!!
I would jump at the chance.
Mr Mephisto