I've got a good Punch Drunk Love story, and yes it relates to the movie in question.
So I rented this movie, expecting it to be good, because Adam Sandler has always entertained me. Now, I was not oblivious to the subject matter and tone of the movie, I knew it wasn't going to be anything like Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy or any of the other neo-classic Adam Sandler flicks. But I didn't know it was going to be so completely devoid of comedy (and substance).
However, this was a very good thing! You're probably thinking "now that's strange, how could a movie being awful be a good thing?"
Well as it turns out I started watching the movie with 8 people in total, but approximately 15 minutes in the room cleared out except for the two people with the highest tolerance for bad movies... myself and a girl I didn't know before the movie, but got to know because of it... been going out ever since.