You're asking whether or not reality as we know it is merely a combination of sensory input and possibly sensory illusion. But it is, by definition, a closed system. You can take mind-altering drugs that will alter your perceptions, but you're still experiencing things subjectively. When you and someone else can independently corroborate a highly unusual phenomenon, like a ghost or a miracle (without going into whether those occur or not), then you might be seeing beyond "the veil."
Try this on for size: Imagine a Neaderthal being presented with a spaceship. He cannot even begin to comprehend what he's looking at. No frame of reference. Now take into account Arthur C. Clarke's observation that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, add the very age of the Universe making extra-terrestrial life quite likely and abundant, and it's possible that we are surrounded by something so completely alien and advanced beyond our puny minds that we cannot even comprehend it, let alone see it like the Neaderthal can see the spaceship. Given those factors, anything is possible with regards to what we know as reality. Even the complexity of the Matrix is just a rough sketch, a starting point.
"The idea that money doesn't buy you happiness is a lie put about by the rich, to stop the poor from killing them." -- Michael Caine