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Old 08-03-2003, 07:35 PM   #32 (permalink)
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It really depends on what you mean by thinking Kucinich is electable. On one hand, I do think he could win. That is, as I said, if Americans (dems in particular) pulled their collective heads out of their asses and took a real idealogical stance and stood behind a canidate that represents a progressive view of America without fear of being "too left" or of supporting a dark horse canidate. On the other hand, I also expressed my sincere doubt that this will be happening in modern America due to the disillusion most Americans feel towards the political system in this country and our 5 second soundbyte attention span. I do feel that this is real shame. My second choice would be Hillary and after that its really a wash for me since I feel all others are just standard issue republicrats playing the election game. Regardless, I'll vote for whoever the dems nominate.
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