Somebody Seeks Revenge...on Me!
I sent an email mildly criticizing (honest) somebody's website and, without responding to me in any way, the webmaster posted the email in its entirety on their website. My address is up there for all the webbots to see and so even's Bayesian filter is letting 5 emails per day get by.
I emailed the webmaster and his ISP. The same day, the webmaster changed the webpage to reflect a "warning" prior to clicking on the link to send email. This warning basically says that the webmaster gets "irrevocable license" to any emails sent. Of course, this warning didn't exist prior to my writing the email, and thankfully I have the Google cache to prove it (I saved both the new and cached pages as archives in IE5.5).
This is a disaster, as I don't know what my next step should be. Thus far, I've collected as much information as I could on this guy.
The question is, <b>what does one do next??</b>