Originally posted by oldtimer
Hey, don't "WTF??" things about arabs anymore. I'm serious. I'm sure if it was an american band like 98 degrees, you'd call them gay but not "WTF??". The concept is unlike anything you've heard before. In my mind that's a good thing. Let them enjoy their newly brought freedom.
Hey, I'm not gonna walk on eggshells for anyone, least of all a group of people whose <b>radical elements</b> wish to violently end my way of life.
But my WTF reaction has nothing to do with Arabs.
<b>1. 'Afghan girl band'.</b> If this group ever gets on a stage in Afghanistan, some Taliban whackjob will blow them to tiny little pieces. They'll enjoy their newfound freeedom, all right. Right up until the point at which their heads are freed from their shoulders.
<b>2. 'band made in a day'.</b> Give me a f'ing break. If this isn't enough to ellicit a WTF reaction, I don't know what is. These poor girls will be used and then thrown aside as soon as the novelty wears off. I give it about 6 months.
<b>3. Did you see the picture?</b> Chick(?) completely covered from head to toe thumpin' a bass guitar. Yeah, right. Might as well be wearing oven mitts for all the fancy fretwork she'll be demonstrating.
On the whole, I think this has nothing to do with reinvigorating Afghanistan's lost <b>"traditional musical culture"</b>, and everything to do with taking advantage of a beaten down people.