Burying our heads...
Why is it that since 9/11 Americans have begun to make like Ostriches and begun to bury our heads in the sand? Since that horrible day this country has been duped in to believing anything and everything our government tells them. No one questions the economy or other social issues that are important, but we can certainly have a war to enrich Dubya's friends in the weapons and oil industries. Democrats have even grown soft; they won't even try to stand up for what is right, for fear of being laughed out of congress...what a sad state. In a recent article in Esquire magazine General Barry McCaffrey (ret.) was interviewed about possibly running for president on the Dem ticket. Most people would think a former General would run as a Republican, but in the article he said he had an experience on 9/11 that changed his outlook. He stated that on 9/11 a friend of his in the Rep. Party called him and told him he better join the Reps. b/c anybody who ran against them would be a fool and they would pretty much be able to do anything they wanted. What kind of crap is that? Thinking of politics after the worst terrorist attack in US history? Shouldn't these people have been mourning the deaths of thousands rather than plotting political strategy? Shouldn't we tell our government we want to see responsibility and hear the truth? Or will we simply stand by when we start to question things and Tom Ridge simply raises the alert level to instill fear in us once again?
Ban country music, it promotes inbreeding.