Okay, Well it is like sorta out there.
I am out with this really nice guy. He'd be someone who I meet and have known but this time we go to this nice fancy restuarant and spend the evening happy in each other company. He then puts me in his car and we drive off. I do not realize where we are going until he pulls into this big warehouse. He climbs out of the car saying nothing and leaves me there. In a few minutes my door is opened and three guys all in all black including masks, pull me out.
I am gagged and stripped naked i am taken thru the dark building and places on a large table, bound stretched out like an X. I am unable to move and then a bright spot light shines down right on the table and me as a voice talks about me as if I was a part of the furniture and into the light comes the guy i was dating as the lights go up, and I see like hundreds of people watching as he climbs up on the table, leans over and whispers "...it is important you do your best". I feel his erection hard laying on my abdomin and he says... "feel how deep it will go... Watch it as I make you take me..."
Once finished he climbs down and says "now where should we start the bidding..." That is usually where i wake up hehehehehhe.
The other one has to do with guests, food a dinner party and me helpless in the center of the table like a party favor.
...We find ourselves in a struggle for our very right to exsist... We will not go quietly into the night... We will not give up without a fight...