The most convincing argument I could imagine would be a right of authority argument. Coming from a free and priviledged democracy can you imagine a life of nothing but adoring/praising the high authority? I would imagine it similar to the enlightenment era dictators who ran simply awesome societies. People were still unhappy because they had no say in there lives.
I always imagined Satan saying something along the lines of "What gives him the right to tell us what to do?" and "Sure, God is the greatest being possible, but that doesn't make all of us not good." Look to modern cultural relativity arguments about how there is no evil or wrong societies, just different ones. Look to the human love for freedom and self authority. I don't think it would be hard to get 1/3 of people who are otherwise happy to rise up and oppose the source of their happiness to gain the ability to be in control of their own destinies. Kinda like the movie Vanilla Sky or the book 1984. All you have to do to be happy is just accept the way things are and never question and do what you are told. Ultimately, the protaginsts for better or worse choose to take control over there own lives. Honestly, is it more real/satisfying to have life/success handed to you on a silver platter from day one or to truly earn your reward?