I've got one of the latest 10gb ipods. The price and the file types supported are the only two reasons i could think of not getting one.
The interface is brilliant, there's third party software available for windows that should be the official windows software for the ipod (ephpod.com), and the machine is just so damn sexy.
I don't use Ogg Vorbis, but if you do you'll want to hold off on the ipod. I doubt they'll support it at all.
I'm really happy with my ipod, despite the price.
and in regards to the older and newer models, I haven't owned one of the older ones, but if you want to save some cash, look into getting one of the 2nd generation ones. you can get them for cheap, as long as you can find one somewhere. however, apple won't be supporting the older models any more for firmware updates.
you mentioned battery life. the reason it's a shorter battery life (8 hours instead of 12) is because it's a physically smaller battery. I find the time i get out of the battery per charge to be plenty.
Firewire is a brilliant technology, and I'd reccomend it over USB any day, although you can use the ipod with USB 2.0
I personally would reccomend the ipod to anyone looking to get not only a great mp3 player, but also a conversation piece. (not to mention a really handy external harddrive)