Originally posted by Menoman
"If he's man enough to get her pregnant, he's man enough to be responsible for the kid and work out a solution with the mother. And kids cost money. Deal with it." ~Lurkette
Actually thats one of the most one sided things I've ever seen said. Just coz 2 people fuck doesnt mean they are anywhere near responsible enough to actually choose the right future for the kid.
Sorry, I got a little carried away and responded off the cuff.
I was responding to JSD's suggestion that oddball either cut and run, or fight for custody of the child so he won't have to pay child support, and then have the grandparents raise the child so as not to interfere with his lifestyle. There's always the totally responsible option of recognizing one's inability to raise a child, and terminating the pregnancy or putting the child up for adoption. But that's not what this guy was talking about. I should have suggested it as an alternative but instead chose to get mad at JSD and blast his (IMHO) somewhat thoughtless suggestion.
" If you don't understand that, please do us, and your progeny, a favor and don't breed till you've grown up a bit. Sheesh." ~Lurkette
I won't even go there....
He was talking about having the guy's parents raise the child so he wouldn't have to pay child support and so it wouldn't interfere with his
lifestyle. Not because he isn't ready for a child, or isn't suitable parent material. Selfish and immature in my opinion, and I hope someone like this wouldn't have kids.