With 6 billion people on the planet, and 300 million people in the U.S. Your baby isn't a miracle, it is a statistic. It doesn't matter how much you love or dread it, the likelyhood of it affecting even .1% of the people on the planet is almost nil. So while any aborted child might have been the next Einstein it is much, much, much more likely that the child would have been the next local hoodlum. Those economists pretty convinvingly showed that legalizing adoption signifigantly reduces criminal activity in the future. It's completely logical, unwanted, un-parented children are much more of a burden on society than aborted children.
It doesn't take a "god" to make a child, it takes a sperm and an egg, things that most horny teens have in abundance. Raising a child takes a lot that most teens can't even define let even provide. "Baby, a condem ruins it for me" is not an act of god.
I don't believe in souls. If I'm wrong it's my problem for all of eternity. I, nor you (any of you) know if I'm right or wrong, so there's no point in arguing about it. A fertilized egg is alive and ready to develop into a human child. Abortion should be a touch decision, as you are robbing a life of it's potential. The procedureis just too practical to ignore. People should make decisions based on what is right in this life not what may come afterwards. For many people (based on drug habits, age, and unfotunately sklin color), their baby is not going to be adopted immediately,so the have the child and place into a loving home argument is not always the answer.
If you kept you unwanted kid, and love it and have raised it well, then congratulations to you, the child and it's other parent. If you aborted a child, and then went on to lead a fulfilling life and meet your goals, then congratulatins for you. Unless you can show you're in the statistical vast majority and your results will be mirrored by other potential teen parents (or at least the perspective parents at hand), then your experience is meaningless and doesn't help others.
I feel strongly that an unwanted pregnancy is a unique situation every time, with no easy-out. Abortion is a terrible option, but in many cases it is the most responsible decision.