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Old 08-01-2003, 11:12 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Silicon Valley, CA, USA, Earth
Originally posted by larryd
I sense a deep envy from those of you that are obviously liberal, or at least a Democrat. Know why there's no liberal answer to Rush? They haven't found one with the talent to match, nor the knowledge of politics.
This is a demonstrably untrue statement. There are quite a few liberal radio hosts with a political acumen that dwarfs Rush's. You just have to know where to find them. That's the real crux of the problem: the axis of money and corporate self-interest keeps liberals off the air. In other words, you've got no basis to make that statement because there are virtually no nationally syndicated liberal radio broadcasts. I can think of exactly one off the top of my head. But don't even try to claim that liberal radio hosts don't have political acumen. Ever hear of Jim Hightower?

But mostly he's right and thoughtful.
Also demonstrably untrue. Far from thoughtful, he's vitriolic, snide, and toweringly arrogant. He's profoundly intolerant of any viewpoint anywhere to the left of his own small-minded opinions. For more, I recommend David Niewert's excellent publication, Rush, Newspeak, and Fascism (PDF file)

For those that want to slam him, you are doing so without any direct knowledge. How often do you listen?
Really? I listen a couple of times a week. He's never yet said anything to indicate to me that he's anything short of ambulatory slime.

I enjoy him tremendously, especially when he trashes the parrot message(s) of the Democrats. Do they ever have a pure thought on their own?
You're kidding, right? Are you even remotely aware of how hypocritical that statement is?
"If it's nae Scottish, it's crap!
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