You need to check with your doctor before doing anything just to be safe. With that said...
NEXT - and this is very important - you HAVE to set your weight loss goal. Just say you want to loose 50 lbs. You shouldn't be loosing more than 2 lbs per week. So your goal is going to be about 6 (six) months away. Don't let anyone tell you different. This a proven fact. Remember - we're talking realistic and with the idea that you want to keep the weight off - for good. Nothing works over night.
Now you have to start working out and eating properly. In moderation, though. If you jump into this and take extreme dieting measures then you WILL fail and gain the weight back plus more. Cutting down on meals will only slow your metabolism, but it'll also make you want to binge.
So cut out on third of all fattening foods and start a good exercise program about 3 days a week. Then after a month cut out another third of fat, etc etc. Keep eating a least 3 times a day with your breakfast being the biggest meal and your dinner being the smallest. Drink lots of water also.
The diet and workout routine I would give you is a bit lengthy. If you want PM me and I'll write it out for you.
Good luck.
There's nothing like freezing time with the flash of a bulb.