i have a lot of respect for people who can admit they are/were addicted to a drug, and can testify to how much of a struggle it is to drop that habit.
on the flip side, i have absolutely no respect for people who are obviously addicted to a drug or many, and constantly deny it when they are confronted.. gotta love that cliche'd "i can stop any time i want to.. i just don't want to right now." crystal meth addicts of this type are the worst, i think. i sold it for almost 6 years and met the most hypocritical, selfish, and dishonest people in my life. its almost as hard to actually realize you are addicted and take that first step towards stopping as it is dealing with withdrawals/depression that follows.
anyways.. you are doin great jimk, remember how hellish it was when you had recently stopped and then think of how great it feels to know you are heading in the right direction towards a longer, richer, and more rewarding life. wish ya the best.