Exactly. Though I've not been pulled over in my life (knock on wood), if a cop pulls me, I won't run. Why? I don't want to risk other people's lives by violating the speed limit even more while trying to lose the cop. Trying to ditch cops is just stupid, even if you do manage it, chances are that they'll pass the word to be on the watch for cars matching your description.
Of course, that's not to say I obey the speed limit. About the only time I ever drive close to the speed limit is when cops are near.
As for the biker who died - sucks to be him, but when he chose to not stop, he just forfeit his life. Sure, the cop should have radioed the location of the downed biker to call for backup and an ambulance, so he's partially at fault, but the cop still had a responsibility to catch the other biker and remove the thread to public safety.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!