What principles drive me...
Okay, let's see.
[quote]1) Religious nuts wanting to "save" me by pointing out how cool their god is. It's just rude.[/qoute]
Not a principle. This is a gripe.
2) Religious nuts that try to convince the rest of the world that they are right, and everyone else is wrong. (Example: the Pope saying Catholic politicians should oppose gay marriages.) This is just incredibly arrogant.
Also not a principle, a gripe. I begin to wonder about your definition of "principle".
3) Religious nuts blowing up each other over their religion.
You sure that you know what I asked for?
4) Religious nuts blowing up *other people* over their supposed "wrong ideas".
Where is the principle here?
Face it, religion is often abused by people to do bad things. After all, you are right, and your holy book tells you that everyone else is wrong, bad, degenerate and going to hell anyway; you might as well help them get there...
Government has also been abused by people to do bad things. If government bad? Sex has also been abused by people to do bad things. Is sex bad?