StarControl 2 (
StarControl - Timewarp - Bitchin' remake, networkable!)
Loom, Monkey Island 1, 2, and The Dig (
ScummVM - Plays old LucasArts Games)
Slash'em (My favorite nethack variant -
Slash'em Page)
Ultima VII & Serpents Gate (
Exult - 2K/XP emulator for U7 engine)
Paradroid (Cool clone called
Jumpman (Few win32 clones here:
Jumpman Lounge)
Abuse (Get your Win32/Linux versions
Trailblazer (God I loved that one on the C64. Win32 version
Turrican (Another brilliant C64 classic. Win32 version
Other NEW variants on older games.
Crimsonland (Always felt like a derivative of Abuse to me. D/L it
Decker - Nethack cyberpunk style!
Well, I hope you try some of these out for yourselves! They're all pretty damn good, IMHO.