Originally posted by mestizo
i think you should talk if you know whut you are talking about. if you dont smoke the shit you dont know whut it is like or whut it does to you... anyone can tell you whut thay think.but the people who smoke know.. and you know who you are...c-ya
Am I to take it that you were too high to spell correctly, let alone form a coherent argument?
I don't smoke weed. never have, never will. True, I don't know what it feels like to experience being stoned, but I don't need to. I see what it does to people long term. I've seen people go from being absolutely full of potential to being strung out wasters. But like I said already, usage isn't the problem, it's abuse.
It's funny this is the first time I've seen a stoner try and pull "intellectual superiority" on me!
I've never had homosexual sex, but that doesn't mean that I don't know that it's not for me! But just because it's "not for me" doesn't mean that I think it should be banned. Mature independant adults should be able to make thair own choices without having the government "babysit" them.