I love advice like this:
Young man you screwed up by having recreational sex with a women you aren't married to and ready to raise children with. Now you have to take responsibility for your actions. That's right the al-mighty god has decided to use a human life to punsh you and that young lady.
Your only choice is to have the child, have the mother drop out of school, and for you to get a job making jack shit. You will both give up tons of opportunities in life, for this. Before long (probably before birth), you will realize that you don't want to spend the rest of your life with this girl. She will be a single mother and you will either be financially strapped for life, or will be a dead-beat dad and ignore your child.
The mother of your child will have to move in with family or work and "raise" the child (by raise I mean keep alive, not raise as in educate, care for, prepare for adult life). Your baby will not get the love or care it wants or needs, or have a father figure. The mother were begin to resent the child when it becomes obvious that many men that she likes and that like her are scared away by the child. Maybe she'll get lucky and marry some other guy out of desparation to provide money or a father to her child.
Unwanted children are more likely to be involved in just about everything dangerous to our society, crime, drugs, abuse. They are less likely to be able to bind to other people in a production manner, and are more likely to beget more children like ourselves.
You need to talk to the girl, and decide what to do. Abortion isn't to be enterred into lightly, but don't let "responsibility" ruin three lives. If she can give the child up for adoption that might be nice, but that can get complicated if she decides she wants the baby later on.
I don't care what any one says, abortion is two things:
1) Killing your unborn child
2) Better for society than unwanted children