Why are so many people so anti-police. Police officers voluntarily put themselves in dangers way every day, so that we can live safer lives. They live in an extremely stressful environment, every call, every traffic stop, every moment can turn instantly into a life or death situation. There are a LOT of very very bad people in the world, and I believe our society breeds that kind of people... thats another post someday... and the police have to deal with that. Add to that the fact that HEY, POLICE ARE ONLY HUMAN.. and humans make mistakes, it cant be helped. Now, when a mistake is made, deal with it.. but dont persecute ALL police just because one or two make stupid mistakes. YES they should be above making mistakes, but that would mean they have to be perfect, which is impossible.
OK, nuff rambling...
As for this officer who left someone behind.... you have to understand local policy. Many police departments have a policy that once pursuit is started, it can only be abandoned by order of a higher authority, or apprehension of the suspect.
Think on what happened... two bikers are gonna be pulled over.. they decide more or less "Fuck that cop" and run. At this instant, in my opinion, they abandon all rights that normal, law abiding people have. When you decide to be a criminal, you dont deserve to be treated with respect. (im sorry, but I think the bleeding heart liberals who cry about criminals being treated bad should be shot by the criminals who are being treated bad, cuz the criminals dont give a rats ass about people anyway.. if they did they wouldnt be criminals.)
So, these bikers run. One of them is too stupid to be able to handle his vehicle, and wrecks. The officer is in pursuit of the other suspect still, who is a potential loose cannon. He can potentially cause greater damage..running through intersections, recklessly endangering other lives through unsafe driving practices. So you have one biker, off the road and potentially injured (the cop CANNOT know the extent of injury to the wrecked biker) and another who can potentially harm or kill innocent people. I applaud this officer for his decision to continue pursuit. The criminal paid the ultimate price for running from the police, with his life... that was his decision... and he suffered the consequence for it. If he had just pulled is ass over in the first place, he would be alive and well today. Blaming the police officer for the death of the biker is WRONG, UNJUST, and just goes to show how fucked up people would have the world. Persecute the man who was serving and protecting our citizens, and celebrate the criminal for breaking the law. go figure
For everything there is a neverending cycle- birth, death, rebirth.
Evil can and will not exist without good and visa versa.
You also reap what you sew. There is a sliver of truth in every saying -those are a few!!