I had this problem too, and well, never tried any of those products, or what not, I'd just out of habit chew my nails. Well, one day one of my female friends who was introducing me to one of her female friends (very pretty woman) pulled me aside and said "you're chewing your nails, that's disgusting". Well... It's not like I stopped immediately right then, but I became aware of it. If I found myself chewing my nails I'd make a note of it and stop, I told a couple of my closest buddies about it, and how I was going to try and stop, and well if they happened to notice me chewing my nails they'd let me know. And now, well, I find my nails get rather long, and there's a girl at work who says "You need to cut your nails!!" so, I cut them the next day. I'd probably still be a frequent nail-biter today if I hadn't been pulled aside and told about it, and I'm glad she didn't just blurt it out, she pulled me aside and told me, blurting it out would have just embarrased me and I'd probably forget about it after the fact.
Pretty much, although it seems like a small minor bad habit, I must say friends helped me out quite a bit with quiting.