From now on in this thread can we say "Give A Vaild Opinion" for why you dont like a band. I dont like Avril, i dont like her style of music, i dont like her, her sisters annoying. A friend of mine goes to her school and used to hang out with her, she used to be a huge prepy, i hate using labels like that but you have to when dealing with Avril. Anyway, she has a lot of major issues to work out and ended up being hated by each and everyone one of her friends at high school. One day, she decied that she would drop out, and try to sell her image and become a pop star. Lo and behold! it works! she rights one song, and then after that never has to write another one ever again, according to people i met at the semiformal at her ex-school (that same friend dragged me there) many people told me that the first major hit (skater boy, or whatever) didnt sound remotly like that when she wrote it and that the producers and record company chaged to so much that really it wasnt even her song anymore. THAT is why i hate Avril.
For the people that hate Tool: explian!
[QUOTE] BulletBob said
Definently Tool. (mabye Korn too, I dunno)[/QUOTE}
what? why? if you dont like the music, alright cool, the thread title is "what band would you most want people to stop listening too" but explain. Honestly.
sportsrule101... Jars of Clay are a Christian folk band, do you not like Christian music? or folk music? or the combination? I'm using your post as an example of what not to do, becuase come on, Tool is great, and Jars of Clay are alright for what they do.
The Above post is a direct quote from Shakespeare