Zargix, are you interested in N,N-DMT or 5-MeO-DMT? I have had several experiences with the latter, but none with the first. MeO is an extremely intense mental high, very nice body high, and not extremely visual. I have never experienced the "void", though I know people who have. N,N-DMT is supposedly much more visual than its counterpart. People tripping on N,N regularly report contacting some type of elf beings and having very positive happy experiences. MeO can cause quite a lot of fear in some people. Do you have any experience with psychedelics? How do you intend on taking the DMT (either variety)? Another important thing, the 5-MeO variety is able to be legally purchased online, while N,N is considered a Schedule 1 substance by the DEA, so of course 5-MeO is much more accessible. I'll be glad to help you out in any way you can. I believe people can have good, safe experiences with hallucinogens as long as they are properly educated in their use. Keep us posted or PM me.