D'Aleen slides past Goban hoping he won't fall under the enticement of the scene laid out in front of them. Many of the less powerful but mischevious races she was familiar with would often lure in victims by the use of food and drink. Shuddering to think what the evil forces here could conjure up she watches in amazement as Attrah lowers his sword and faces the figure at the organ.
"Thantos...get ready to grab him.....this has a bad feeling all over it."
Instinctively her hand reaches down to hover above her dagger settled against her thigh, just as she realizes that it would prove futile in a battle against any undead. Readying her bow she prays that the power in it will be enough to help the group defeat the forces they are up against.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!