We speak English, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn our language!
Yeah, um... that's complete bullshit. Americans come in all shapes and colors and, like it or not, its our diversity that makes us so unique. I'm sure that 78 year old woman would then go on to say that we eat hamburgers and apple pies, not spaghetti or general tso's chicken. Think about your heratage. No american, besides maybe pure natives, can say their ancestors have lived here for more than a few hundered years. Face it, we're all from somewhere else, so lets stop this bullshit idea that there is some 'ideal american' that speaks only english and eats apple pies. By keeping this ideal alive, any immigrants into this country are stripped of their cultural heratage and force to conform to this bogus notion. Point in case: I once met an asain student that recently transfered into my school. I introduced myself to him and asked him his name. In very broken english he told me his name was Kevin. It saddens me that this poor kid felt he had to change his name to something americanized for me to relate to him. This is america damnit! Land of the free! You don't have to change your name or your language to come here. If you want me to understand you, yeah, you might need to use english... but I'm not above learning your language if you're willing to teach me. Maybe I'm just weird like that... you know, willing to learn as much as I can about other people and all.